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Just started this today. Have to say, even if the story sucks, it won't matter. You already have a fan. Anyone who puts NW and Floor into their game is cool with me. Look forward to seeing where things go from here.




Nice 👍


Hi! your game is so pretty. I wish you finish this awesome history soon! Where I can find music list from your novel?

(2 edits)

Hi! glad you like it... In the "About" button on the novel  there are links that take you to the creators.  and there is a text document  "" in the game folder  with the links to the sounds including the ambient ones :).


Just finished the game up to date and it was a lot of fun, I'm really enjoying the story and characters so far. I can't wait to see where you take it next!


when is the next update coming out I really want to know what happens after the arm of the main character gets cut of and she opens her eyes since it shows what she did before that day and what I really want to know is how the main character survives the situation does the wench that wants her saves her does she go on a berserk state and murder one of them or injure and then escapes I bet I'm not the only one dying to know 




I like the game, i didn't expect it was a female protagonist game but i like it, the girls and the story but it was a little confusing xD.

I suppose you speak spanish because i saw many references and spanish thing more like Mexican.

También hablo español así que perdona mi ingles también jsjs


I liked the graphics too and the content quantity and quality, if i'm right you did an excellent job if this game was made by 2 people


Happy you like it :)

Trato de poner referencias de todas partes del mundo pero si soy de Uruguay : )  Argentina  España México están presentes en el juego, en el futuro pensare en algún otras referencias y todo esto es parte importante de la historia ; )

I'm trying to update the game on this page, I already forgot how to use butler XD

Hello, I would like to know if you plan to add animations to the game in the future?  it would be amazing

I tried with the latest version but I didn't like the result and I didn't add it to the game, for the future I don't know.... 


ok that would be great, it's a shame that with girls like that the game isn't animated, the animations would be amazing. Regards bro and good job you are doing

please do it


wow it looks so cool, hopefully it better than others!!!



It's soo good!!! I think I'm just around 1 hour of reading but I already love the story, the characters, the worldbuilding. The art and renders of the background as well as the girls are also excellent. I also like the small animation of some parts even the changing background colors when it transitions to the next scene. 

Is this your first visual novel? It's really well made, it contends or is even better with what they sell on steam and other paid VNs here.  

I wonder how long is this current version and how much of it is the "in development" phase as of now? Anyway, time for more reading! :))


Hey! Thanks for your comments I'm glad you like it : ). It's my first game and my first time posting on this site. So far itchio seems great.

It took me a lot of time, but I was always working with a single PC and taking  breaks. Now luckily, I have a new PC and I hope it will speed things up a little : ) The future will tell.


Hey thanks for the reply. Finished it yesterday. I was hoping to see more on what happened after that encounter which concerns Celeste's arm lol iykwim :) But it skipped to an earlier time instead. Hope you update soon excited to see what happens next.